Thursday, March 22, 2012


This is my opinion about the site and the email that I sent to suport :

"Hello. On the upgrade page you say as free member I can cashout 10 times more than what I invest but you do not explain exactly what this means. Lets say I invest 2$ on your site. This means I should be able to get 20$ back in my paypal or alertpay account. 20$ in my alertpay account means 200$ on your site but I can only cashout 20 contestbux dollars, 3 times a month. But in reality I think you are not doing like I said, you consider that if I invest 2$ I will be able to ask 20 contestbux dollars and you will say this is 10 time more than 2 but you know that 20 contestbux dollars = 2$ real money. So in my opinion you are lieying people saying that they can get back 10 times their investment when actually they will only get back the money they invested and nothing more."

I will post here the answer to my email.

As free member you get 0.01$ per click and 0.005$ per referral click but in reality is 10 time less because 10$ on the site mean only 1$ in your paypal or alertpay account when you ask for payout.

account balance to purchase balance : NO
profit from renting referrals as free member : NO

Join the site here : contestbux

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